
The role of translator

Translation is a very complex and delicate process. It is not enough to have thorough knowledge of a foreign language. It is also absolutely necessary to have a textual and linguistic competence of one’s native language in all its expressive characteristics and semantic peculiarities.
For these reasons, a professional translator can never be replaced by machine translation. Translation is a creative undertaking that requires skill and professionalism, elements that make linguistics a true work of art, a work of art that draws from the negotiation and interpretation of its strengths, without the slightest distortion of the original language.
Every professional translator works exclusively into his or her own native language and never vice-versa. This guarantees the highest linguistic and conceptual quality, as well as impeccable professional ethics.
In addition a professional translator works in a selective area of expertise and is thoroughly knowledgeable of the technical terminology required for his or her course of study. Because each language has its own glossary, its own register, its own style and its own nuances. But this isn’t enough: good translators must be intimately familiar with their clients, their clients’ needs and terminology and style “preferences”.
That is why it’s important to choose a professional translator and work exclusively with him or her, because only from mutual understanding comes the best possible translation, the creation of specialized glossaries and translation memories that ensure consistency and cohesion of the text.

Are you still convinced that a simple tool for machine translation is enough?